Hydrotherm massage is a deep, profoundly relaxing and beneficial massage technique, enhancing the effects of treatment into a new dimension – naturally.

Your entire treatment is carried out while you lie face up on warm Hydrotherm water filled cushions. These cushions mould to the contours of your body, providing support and assisting in perfect spinal alignment. There is no turning midway through the treatment and, therefore, no disturbing the relaxation. The warmth of the cushions help the effects of the massage by increasing circulation, and helping the body to relax more quickly.

The support of the cushions makes Hydrotherm particularly suitable in pregnancy.

The Hydrotherm massage system represents one of the single biggest advances in the approach and application of body treatments, since the couch replaced the floor. We have had continual glowing reports from clients who have experienced this therapy.


For thousands of year’s pregnancy, labour and childbirth was a female centred and tactile experience. What are now considered routine aspects of pregnancy and labour, were then potentially life threatening and led particularly this century to a gradual increase in a culture of medical management.

This trend has been changing for some years with individuals and couples being actively encouraged to learn more about and become more involved in, the whole pregnancy and birthing experience.

The medical profession provides a valuable and indispensable framework of technical care, however as therapists we can bring comfort and pleasure through touch. Touch in its many forms brings solace relief of aches, pain and stiffness and gives emotional support and reassurance. With a knowledgeable and well-guided hand, massage during pregnancy adds to the enjoyment of the birthing experience.

Hydrotherm offers a unique potential for comfort and in a combination with a sound underpinning knowledge of the physiological changes of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is often listed as a contra-indication to massage, but rarely with any justification. It is certainly important to consider treatment carefully, but correctly administered massage is not only potentially free of risk, but also extremely beneficial, comfortable and reassuring treatment during all stages of pregnancy.


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The Natural Health Centre
86 The Green
Kings Norton
B38 8RS
Tel. 0121 459 3535
Email. info@naturalhealth-centre.com

The Well Natural Health Centre
89 Institute Rd
Kings Heath
B14 7EU
Tel. 0121 443 1580
Email. info@thewellhealthcentre.co.uk