The traditional medicine of China has developed over the last three thousand years into a unique and highly sophisticated system for understanding health and disease. It includes acupuncture, herbs, exercise, massage and diet.

Acupuncture typically involves the insertion of fine needles into specific places on the body, known as acupuncture points. It is based on the theory that we all have a QI – an energy/life force – flowing throughout our bodies. This QI is thought to be concentrated in to channels or meridians, along which lie the acupuncture points. Acupuncturists believe that a harmonious flow of QI is essential to health. Any disruption upsets the balance of Yin and Yang – two opposite but complementary forces whose perfect balance is essential for well-being. To restore balance, an acupuncturist simulates the relevant meridians by the insertion of fine, sterile, single use needles into specific points. The focus of acupuncture is on stimulating the bodies own healing responses, improving the overall well-being of the patient and tackling the root cause of problems, rather than the isolated treatments of specific symptoms. For muscular related problems acupuncture offers a specific and effective treatment. Muscles can develop hypersensitive points known as trigger points. These often correspond to the actual acupuncture points. Trigger points can become quite uncomfortable, often affecting the whole muscle, sometimes referring pain to what would seem to be an unrelated area. Acupuncture can specifically target these points, dispersing/releasing them.


The insertion of the needles is hardly perceptible and is then followed by a momentary sensation of numbness or tingling as the body’s energy is activated. The needles are left in place for between 15-30 minutes, during which patients feel pleasantly relaxed. This is a very powerful form of medicine and can be used to treat a wide range of diseases. Because the treatment is tailored to the individual and addresses the underlying energy imbalances which cause the symptoms, the result is an overall improvement in physical and emotional well-being. A typical course would consist of between 6-10 sessions; however, for young people, or for recent conditions, fewer sessions may be appropriate whereas for older patients, or more long-standing problems, treatment might take considerably longer.



Could acupuncture benefit you?

Have you thought that it was unaffordable?


Now an affordable approach is happening in Kings Norton at the
 Kings Norton Acupuncture Clinic




The Ethos of the Clinic

The Clinic aims to make acupuncture more affordable enabling a greater proportion of the community the chance of benefiting from acupuncture treatment. This is achieved by treating several patients together in a large room partitioned with screens to provide privacy.

How will it work?

Appointments may last from 20 minutes to one hour. The first appointment- the consultation- will take place in a separate room and cost £25.00. Please allow one hour for this. Subsequent treatments will take place in the multibed clinic and could be shorter depending on the treatment, and cost £15.00. Appointments will be staggered allowing each patient appropriate time to discuss their progress with the practitioner before being treated.

Has this method been used before?

The simple answer is yes. A similar project in Brighton noted that patients reported more positive experiences than negative about being treated in such a space. Many attended, not only because of the low cost, but also to share in the sense of community that is created when several people are treated together.

What can acupuncture treat?

Basically anything that you would visit your GP about be it physical, mental or emotional. It is safe for everyone from children to the elderly. We are more than happy to discuss how acupuncture could benefit you

Who can come to the clinic?

Primarily the aim of the clinic is to provide acupuncture for those members of the community who have never previously thought it affordable – OAP’s students, children, people on low income or receiving family credit.

Who should you contact?

The Natural Health Centre 0121 459 3535

Victoria Carrolan Bsc (Hons) MBAcC  07823325130

Anne Pottinger Lic.Ac MBAcC  07719 362824


To view our resident acupuncturists, please click here

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Copyright - The Natural Health Centre 2015

The Natural Health Centre
86 The Green
Kings Norton
B38 8RS
Tel. 0121 459 3535

The Well Natural Health Centre
89 Institute Rd
Kings Heath
B14 7EU
Tel. 0121 443 1580