Homeopathy is an effective and scientific system of healing. Based on the principle that “Like cures like”, Homeopathy exploits the property of some medicinal substances to stimulate the natural healing energy of the individual. It recognises that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient who needs treatment - not the disease.
Illnesses are treated with very dilute preparations, called remedies, that are made from plant, mineral or animal sources.

It is useful during pregnancy to help maintain optimum health, and is a very popular way of treating children.

Where does it originate from?
This system of healing was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann at the end of the eighteenth century. He found that quinine, which was used to treat swamp fever (now known as malaria), when taken by him produced the same symptoms as the disease although he did not have the disease itself.
He began to investigate and record the effects of a large number of substances on the human body, producing a collection of very accurate observations. He found that when actually treating patients that a small dosage of the substance would produce an aggravation of symptoms before it cured. He then started to dilute the remedies, vigorously shaking them between dilutions. This produced a cure without the aggravation. He also found that a remedy so treated was more powerful as a curative. He called this process “Potentisation”. Recent research has indicated that during potentisation an imprint of the molecular structure of the remedy is left in the liquid, and this is therapeutically active.
Homeopathy is still based on this principle when used today. The basis of this treatment is that the most successful remedy for any given occasion will be the one whose symptoms presents the closest resemblance to the symptoms displayed by the sick person. Since Homeopathy stimulates the natural healing process, there is less likelihood of recurrence of the condition. There are applications for the use of homeopathy in some conditions which are difficult to treat by conventional means. Remedies may give relief to sufferers who find the side effects of some drugs too unpleasant. Homeopathic remedies can be used together with conventional drugs and treatment quite safely and effectively, they are without side effects and can be used in pregnancy. Due to their low concentrations, the remedies are particularly suitable for treating young infants and the elderly.



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