Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) is an exceptionally gentle yet extremely powerful therapy in which the primary aim is to create and maintain a healthy balanced state on all levels. The Cranio-Sacral system is the environment in which the Central nervous system functions and consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. By subtly working on the joints of the skull, and attuning to and regulating the deep pulsing energy, which the craniosacral therapist can perceive through the skull, deep changes in the rest of our bodies can be effected. CST works on the understanding that imbalance or dysfunction of this system can adversely affect the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord and contribute to sensory, motor and/or neurological disabilities.


‘The extreme lightness of touch involved makes CST a safe approach for people of all ages, including children, infants and newborns’

What conditions can CST help with?

Because of its influence on the functioning of the nervous system CST can benefit the body in a number of ways – from reducing stress and enhancing overall health to alleviating a wide range of specific medical conditions associated with pain and dysfunction including:

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Copyright - The Natural Health Centre 2015

The Natural Health Centre
86 The Green
Kings Norton
B38 8RS
Tel. 0121 459 3535

The Well Natural Health Centre
89 Institute Rd
Kings Heath
B14 7EU
Tel. 0121 443 1580